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Play MakeHERS Assist Fund
Sponsorship Program
While the Play MakeHERS Clinics are pay to attend, we value inclusivity. We understand not every hooper wanting to get better is able to pay the $99 clinic fee.
This is why the Play MakeHERS Assist fund has been created. The Play MakeHERS Assist Sponsorship program is a process in which a portion of each clinic's proceeds are donated back into the Assist Fund, and used to assist a Play MakeHER in need attend future clinics.
Play MakeHERS and their families can apply for a "Play MakeHER Assist" from the sponsorship fund in order to attend a up-coming Play MakeHER event near them. Sponsorships are limited per clinic (based on Assist Account funding), and will be given out on a need basis.
You can donate to the Play MakeHERS Assist Fund, and help assist a future Play MakeHER gain the experience she deserves!
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